Your Small Business Needs an ERP System

Some small business owners are under false pretense that ERP systems are only for large businesses and corporate giants. Small business owners and entrepreneurs actually benefit a great deal from ERP systems. Without a large manufacturing station and countless employees, planning inventory and fulfilling orders is draining.

Keep your business small and still deliver BIG

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Unsplash | Grey Computer Monitor

Isn’t that the dream? Maintaining your tight-knit, small business plan while still being able to serve all your loyal customers with efficiency and quality? These two goals seldom have a positive outcome without proper management of processes and streamlining your operations. ERP systems help with these functions by blending and automating key business functions such as order processing, production and finances.

Benefits of an ERP System for small businesses

  1. Reduced complexity: Instead of each department within a small manufacturing company having their own information system, all relevant data can be shared and accessed across all departments. This essentially eliminates the need to re-enter or export data, which yields a decrease in errors, increased productivity, and reduced expenses on HR.

  2. Better decision-making: By providing real-time data, small business owners can making difficult decisions easier and are able to quickly respond to changes in the business environment.

  3. Flexibility, scalability and growth: Because of the increased data clarity that an ERP system provides, staff are able to adjust their attention to manage increasing volumes of business. This helps small business adjust to their growth without ever feeling disorganized or overwhelmed.

The best ERP System for your small business

Before choosing an ERP system that is the best fit for your business we recommend reading “Considering a New Business System”.

There are multiple ERP systems available for small businesses and entrepreneurs. Our preferred ERP System is NetSuite, however our specialized consultants at TPI can evaluate your business needs and help with this decision process.

Unsplash | Three men sitting while using laptops and watching man beside whiteboard

Unsplash | Three men sitting while using laptops and watching man beside whiteboard

The Parker Initiative